Ammonia-fueled engine, Hydrogen-fueled engine
International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted "GHG reduction strategy“ in 2018, in which declared that the international ships should reduce GHG to zero as soon as possible in this century by reducing the total annual GHG emissions by at least 50% by 2050 compared to 2008, and improving the average transport efficiency at least 40% by 2030. And the 77th Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), held in November 2021, updated this strategy by accelerating their efforts and setting a challenging goal.
To promote substitution from conventional fossil fuels to low-carbon/carbon free fuels in international shipping to achieve the above GHG reduction goal, some alternative fuels such as LNG, LPG and methanol have already been used instead of the conventional fuels.
These low-carbon fuels are promising as a bridge solution, however their reduction rate is expected around 20%. We, J-ENG, assume that carbon-free fuels should be used and have determined to develop engines fueled with ammonia and/or hydrogen.
Ammonia-fueled engine : UEC-LSJA
Ammonia-Fueled Ammonia Gas Carrier
Ammonia-fueled engine will be developed by applying J-ENG’s unique technology of “Stratified Injection”. It is known that ammonia is difficult to burn, but the stratified injection with pilot fuel and post fuel (ammonia) in multiple layers can realize an utmost combustion control and optimize a high suppression of N2O emission, which is said to have a high global warming coefficient, through improved mixed fuel burning ratio of ammonia.
The first ammonia-fueled engine, UEC50LSJA developing with 50cm bore, will be completed in 2025.
The development work is proceeding in a consortium program subsidized by NEDO’s Green Innovation fund.
26 October, 2021
“Demonstration project begins for commercialization of vessels equipped with domestically produced ammonia fuel engine"
7 September, 2022
“Ammonia-Fueled Ammonia Gas Carrier Obtained AiP from Classification Society ClassNK"
Development status of ammonia-fueled engines

In May this year, we started a test operation of ammonia co-firing of ammonia, the world's first low-speed two-stroke marine engine using a test engine. In the future, we will implement ammonia fuel operation under various conditions. In parallel with this test, we will develop, design, and manufacture an ammonia-fueled engine for full-scale demonstration, and in 2025, we will conduct a test operation of the actual machine for about half a year, which is scheduled to be completed in September of the same year. In addition, an ammonia fuel supply device for this test operation has been newly installed in the Nagasaki area of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.'s Research Institute, and the knowledge and experience gained through the operation of this supply device will be applied to the development of ammonia supply equipment for ship installation.

Hydrogen- fueled engine : UEC-LSGH

Hydrogen-fueled engine, UEC-LSGH, will be developed by applying technologies cultivated through the development of dual-fuel (DF) gas engine. The hardest technical challenge of hydrogen-fueled engine development is how to control its easy combustibility. High-pressure hydrogen injection into the combustion chamber can bring stable combustion to solve this issue.
The first hydrogen-fueled engine, UEC35LSGH developing with a bore of 35cm, is expected to complete in 2026.
After development of the dual-fuel hydrogen-fueled engine, hydrogen single-fueled engine without pilot fuel will be developed.
A joint investment company, HyENG, was already established with Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. and Yanmer Power Technology Co., Ltd. in 2021 to promote the
hydrogen-fueled engine development as consortium partners.
This development task is nominated as a NEDO’s Green Innovation fund.
▶Visit our press release:
9 November 2021
“MOL, MOL Drybulk, J-ENG sign agreement for trial of hydrogen-fueled engine equipped onboard“
19 October 2023
“Hydrogen-fueled Vessel Wins AiP Towards Demonstration Operation“
Development status of Hydrogen-Fueled Engines

In order to establish hydrogen fuel injection technology, which is one of the key technologies for the development of hydrogen fuel engines, we manufactured and installed a hydrogen injection unit test device and started operation tests for it. In the future, we will utilize this device to verify design details such as the structure and specifications of hydrogen fuel injection equipment and accumulate basic data. After that, we will proceed with the development, design, and manufacture of a full-scale hydrogen-fueled engine, and in 2026, we will conduct a one-year actual machine verification operation, which is scheduled to be completed in March 2027.