LSH Series
The UEC-LSH Series is an engine that uses conventional fuels or compliant fuel oils, has complied with the environmental regulations for SOx and NOx, and has achieved further reduction in fuel consumption compared to the conventional models.
The first UEC50LSH engine was completed in March 2015. Having been received favorably, the number of orders has been steadily increasing. Additionally, we have completed the first UEC42LSH in March 2021 and the latest model, UEC33LSH, in September 2022.

The first UEC42LSH-Eco-D3 has been completed in March 2021.
The UEC42LSH-Eco-D3, currently under development, is the successor to the UEC45LSE, which has a high number of delivery record. The UEC42LSH is characterized by an ultra-low fuel consumption achieving further fuel economy of UE engine’s specialty, together with the optimized output range for handy-size bulk carriers and small chemical carriers built by domestic and international shipyards.
Fuel consumption comparison

For the external dimensions, the engine size is becoming more compact, such as reducing the piston diameter from 45 cm to 42 cm. Specifically, compared to the UEC45LSE-Eco, the UEC42LSH-Eco is more compact, with a length of 248 mm, a bed plate width of 20 mm, and 17 tons lighter.
External dimensions comparison

The first UEC33LSH has been completed in September 2022.
The UEC33LSH is the third model of the UEC-LSH series, and the successor of UEC33LSII which has been a long-selling prime mover for small size vessels. UEC33LSH type engine will meet the market demands of cement carriers, asphalt carriers, small-size bulkers, chemical tankers, LPG tankers, adopting an ultra-wide speed range of 145~230 min-1 to widen selection.