Aiming for further digitization of the engine. Started joint research on next generation engine control system.
Japan Engine Corporation (: J-ENG) has announced to conclude a joint research contract with Nabtesco Corporation on the next generation main engine control system aiming for digital twin realization by utilizing actual operating data.
This joint research is aiming for flexible/optimized engine control and user support based on a long cooperative relationship between the two companies for digitalization of marine diesel engine’s control. Information technology (IT) is integrated into the conventional operational technology (OT).
The engine control system, which will be the core technology for the next generation engine, will be upgraded numerously based on the current system.
Specifically, wireless signal transfer from engine sensors to engine monitoring system, engine performance analysis function for users by displaying on on-engine monitor, multiple engine control and data utilization with enhanced engineering and/or statistical processing on-board sensing data are planned.
This system can provide virtual testing area for developers to advance open innovation.
The newly developed product will also be applicable for the current engine control system as an extended module.
In the recent maritime industry, various social efforts are being challenged actively, and digitalization will provide opportunities for increase of added value or new value innovation in deepening existing technology and innovative technology development.
In the current various social environment change of shipping and ship operation by GHG reduction, automated operation, J-ENG is working actively on technologies for energy saving operation, preventive maintenance to contribute to realize a sustainable society through the environmental technology and digitalization.

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Japan Engine Corporation
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