Techno-Ocean 2021: ammonia / hydrogen fueled engines for Carbon Neutrality of Marine Engines

Japan Engine Corporation joined a panel discussion on “Carbon Neutral Marine Transport”, which was one of programs during Techno-Ocean 2021 in Kobe from December 9 through 11.
The Techno-Ocean is an international convention held every two years sponsored by core parties supporting since 1986 in Kobe, and which has been collaborated with industry-academy-government network established in 2000.
In the panel discussion on December 9, four government officials, four private companies’ representatives and one university professor presented their activities on “Carbon Neutral Marine Transport” and exchanged their opinions.
Our Mr. Koji Edo, department manager of engine development, presented the efforts how to develop internal combustion engines fueled with ammonia or hydrogen as a singular licensor of marine two-stroke slow speed engines covering development and manufacturing.

Through this discussion, changing of fuel will achieve a drastic GHG emissions reduction and it was recognized that international collaboration with Japanese technology at the core by giving importance to open-mind collaboration with other non-marine industries.
It was also shared by the presenters that young generation people, those are essential for technological innovation, will “delineate a picture of the future to activate the marine industry for achieving a sustainable society”
▶Go to Panel Session 1: Carbon Neutral Marine Transport in Techno-Ocean 2021
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