Completion of MGO-mono-fueled / stratified water injection engine: 6UEC35LSJ diesel engine has been demonstrated its bio-fuel running

Japan Engine Corporation (J-ENG) has announced that the first set of 6UEC35LSJ diesel engine for MGO-mono-fueled/stratified water injection has been completed. This engine will be delivered to Onomichi Dockyard Co., Ltd. as the main engine of a 17,500dwt costal vessel for MOL Drybulk Ltd.
The engine has an advantage of its fuel oil consumption over the conventional same class engine with approximately 5% less by applying the unique stratified water injection system, and can realize to comply with EEDI phase 3 requirements. Using MGO as the mono-fuel, fuel oil supply system can be simper than heavy fuel usage by omitting fuel heating system. Fuel oil change-over procedure from heavy fuel to MGO when entering port is not required. MGO is said to have stable properties and it is expected that maintenance interval of combustion chamber components can be extended through increase of reliability and reduction of crew’s burden.

The stratified injection system is a technology to inject two different liquids from a single injector. On the captioned diesel engine, MGO and water are injected to realize lower fuel consumption and NOx reduction simultaneously. In addition, in the shop test running, 100% bio fuel with stratified water injection operation, namely carbon neutral operation, was demonstrated and verified for the first time on a commercial engine.
MGO-mono-fueled/water stratified injection engine is appreciated as the main middle/small size vessel by ship owners and shipyards, because effective solution to reduce initial investment and to save installation space for fuel tank(s). At the same time, EEDI(reduction of GHG emissions) is also reduced to contribute to CSR(corporate social responsibility).
J-ENG has promising business talks of UEC-LSJ engines including the ordered 3 units of 6UEC35LSJ.
The stratified injection system has a wide selection of fuels not only bio-fuels, which was verified on the first set, but also LPG, methanol and so on. The technology is the core of the ammonia-fueled engine, which is being developed subsidized by Green Innovation Fund. To cope with future drastic reduction of GHG emissions, it will contribute through its high potential.
J-ENG will promote technology development to achieve 2050 carbon neutral meeting customers’ expectations.
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Japan Engine Corporation
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